Get your free ticket to CogX, with Addrelevance. The most exciting AI event, the CogX Festival 2021, is starting on Monday 14th of June 2021. Addressing the question... ' How do we get the next 10 years right?' Join Addrelevance…
Conversion rate (CR) is a major, if not the main, KPI for e-commerce sites. CR, along with the volume of quality traffic that you can generate towards your website, drives Web stores outcomes: revenue and profit. The smartest sites found…
Add-relevance will be at the CogX Festival 2021 this year! We'll focus on AI for hyper-personalization and online conversion, especially in the e-commerce space.
In this second extract of an insightful interview with Joost Vennekens, we discuss how Artificial Intelligence makes a big difference in marketing and advertising, and more specifically in personalization. For marketing and advertising, as well as for numerous other domains,…
In this interview with Joost Vennekens, we discuss Artificial Intelligence, how to start with AI, the game-changer that this technology represents, and its application in marketing and advertising, and more specifically in personalization.Joost Vennekens is an Associate Professor in the…
A simple but highly-efficient solution for car brands to increase leads and conversions: automotive ads campaigns performance is boosted by hyper-personalisation (buyers' decision-making profiles).
About this webinar... 🔐 A short and efficient 30-minute webinar for the automotive industry 🚗. Packed with concrete tips that will help you explore a unique solution for: digital advertising personalisation, and conversion rate optimisation.Beyond buyer's persona and segment-based personalisation,…